Movie review, Munjya, the film will sometimes scare you and sometimes make you laugh, the concept is new, the visual and sound effects are superb, the direction could have been better | मूवी रिव्यू- मुंज्या: कभी डराएगी तो कभी हंसाएगी फिल्म, कॉन्सेप्ट नया, विजुअल और साउंड इफेक्ट शानदार; स्टोरी पर थोड़ा और काम करना चाहिए था
Hindi NewsEntertainmentBollywoodMovie Review, Munjya, The Film Will Sometimes Scare You And Sometimes Make You Laugh, The Concept Is New, The Visual And Sound Effects Are Superb, The Direction Could Have…